Les élèves de 2MBBE ont été récompensés pour avoir terminé 1er et 2ème du défi de l'Oeuvre d'Antione d'Abbadie !



The holder of the CAP Technical Assistant in family and collective environments works in the technical services of public or private collective structures (retirement homes for example, departmental councils, regional councils, communities of communes, town halls, clinics, etc.) or in individuals through a service provider.

Depending on the structure that employs him, he works alone or in a team and performs all or part of the following activities: maintenance of living spaces (living room, bedroom, canteen, etc.), laundry and clothing maintenance (washing, ironing and storage of the linen - or its preparation and reception when this service is outsourced) and meal preparation (supply or reception of foodstuffs, realization of simple cold and hot preparations, if necessary according to particular specifications - diets for example - and service).

He works in accordance with the instructions and regulations relating to health and safety.

Origin of the students :

  • 3is college general
  • 3is Preparation - Pro
  • 3is by SEGPA
  • 3is d’insertion

Training content (in 2 years)

  • General education common to all CAPs (8.5 hours + 3 hours of co-intervention with vocational education)
  • Professional education (19 hours including 3 hours of masterpiece and 3 hours of co-intervention with mathematics and French) :
    • Food-related activities (family environment) or food production (collective environment).
    • Living environment maintenance activities.
    • Laundry and clothing maintenance activities.
  • Consolidation, personalized support and support in the choice of orientation: 3.5 hours
  • Professional Training Periods : 14 weeks including
    • 10 weeks in collective structure
    • 4 weeks at private home through service providers

Required qualities

  • Be willing to work in a service profession
  • Show organization and adaptation in your work
  • Have the desire to satisfy users
  • Be able to take initiative in day-to-day professional activities


Method of obtaining the diploma :

the CAP is obtained by CCF (Control in Training Course).

Sectors :

  • social worker (home help)
  • maid (valet)
  • service agent for companies or communities (hospital service agent, technical agent in a school establishment, etc.)
  • maternal assistant in a family environment


Continuing Studies

  • Additional mention Home help (1 year)
  • CAP Early childhood (1 year)
  • Bac Pro Support Care and Personal Services (gateway to the 1st)
  • Bac Pro Animation - Childhood and the Elderly (gateway to the 1st)
  • Bac Pro Hygiene Cleanliness Sterilization (gateway to the 1st)
  • DE AES Educational and Social Support
  • DE in nursing aid (exempts from written eligibility tests for CAP holders)